MANENTIMACCHINE SRL is  the official Importer  of  the  European Community (2006/42/CE) for HTC and for HSI  currently for the entire European Market.


HTC and HSI supply  technology for Spring Factories: HTC produces SPRING FORMER MACHINES  (currently covering a Wire range from 0.2 mm . to 6.0 mm )

and UNIVERSAL COILING MACHINES (wire range from 0.2 mm to 18.0 mm), while  HSI supplies FURNACES, PAY-OFF SYSTEMS and PARTS COLLECTORS.

HTC and HSI products are present all over the world, thanks also to their choice of selling exclusively through Importing Agents.


The partnership between MANENTIMACCHINE SRL and the Taiwanese companies HTC and HSI  - began in 1992. The initial cooperation concerned only the Italian Market.  Excellent sales results gradually extended this joint effort to other European Markets.


A stable and good relationship between MANENTIMACCHINE SRL and HTC and HSI, along with a steady increase in sales even in the new markets led to further collaboration opening up to the whole European Market.  A common trade expansion plan was drawn up by mutual Agreement in 1998  to cover all of Europe .


The company MANENTIMACCHINE SRL, owned by  Manenti brothers - a family which has worked in the Spring sector  since the sixties - has its headquarters in northern Italy in Gussago (BRESCIA), where the Account and Sales Department, the Customer Service and  the permanent Showroom are located, and where it is possible to examine our machines and products in operation.

The Logistics Department for the  distribution of the imported products  all over Europe is also organized in Gussago, as well as the Spare Parts Warehouse, which can supply all the material  necessary to the post- sales service of machines or furnaces.



Thanks to the Showroom and to tool-workshop available at our seat in Gussago,  

we are able to perform Training, Demonstrations and Set-Ups.


MANENTIMACCHNE SRL stands out because of the excellent Quality & Value of the products offered, the high quality of our services, as well as our serious commitment focused on working relations.